Friday, August 04, 2006

Rant, and an Update

Feel free to skip this first paragraph. It's a rant... I've been reading several poker forums for a couple of years, and I've been posting for about a year. I try to be respectful of others, give honest responses based on my opinion and experience. It seem as if several of these online communities have become nothing but infantile pissing contests. Excuse my french, but fuck that. I don't need it. I'll browse for good threads that have real content, but I'm through wasting time posting. This is why I don't like people.

Now that I've got that off of my chest...I've played 3 180 man SnG's on stars ($4) since my last post. The two on Wednesday were just horrible. Good play with one or two impatient & costly decisions. Last night I played one that was quite interesting. I donked off all but 250 chips in the first level. I made a horrible call with a pocket pair and was beaten by TPTK. I should have folded after the flop. Poor, poor play. I ended up going out in 37th or so after going over the top with a decent draw (flush & straight) and getting called. I was looking to take down the pot right there. Again, I shouldn't have been in the pot after the flop. I had a smallish stack, but could have coasted into the money. I really have a hard time doing that. I like to push all edges and take as many chips as I can when I think I have the opportunity. I think that is the correct attitude most of the time, unfortunately my NL skill doesn't back it up. Ah well. I'll get there.

My move up has been good. I've added almost 50% onto my bankroll. I'm getting paid off with some good hands, and picking up free pots with timely bets. My stats after a week are at the bottom of this post. Sample size is really small so results don't matter much, but with the exception of the AF being low, I'm pleased. If anyone sees any leaks, please let me know.

I'm still working on my blind play, and I'm finding it's easier to play tight at this level. My strong hands are still getting paid off, sometimes in ways that surprise me. I don't know how some of these people can afford to play cards. It's just session after session of donations.

This weekend I'm going to get a few thousand hands in, and not much else. My last 2 days of free time for 2 weeks. This is a miserable time of year. I really wish I could spend the day doing what I enjoy, watching a baseball game, and working in the yard. I have a feeling that time will come sooner rather than later. More on that in the months to come though.


At 04 August, 2006 11:08 , Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like I'm missing a lot over at CP. Nice run at 3/6. And keep pushing those tournament edges. Coasting into the money is for suckers. The only money that matters is top 3.

At 04 August, 2006 17:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn they'll just give anyone a blog nowadays won't they

At 04 August, 2006 17:57 , Blogger pba08 said...

They will give anyone a blog, and I'll let anyone respond. Even your worthless drivel. I don’t know why you took the time to stop by to comment, but thanks. You’re welcome anytime. BTW schnukums, I play on stars and I'm searchable. Stop by anytime if you want a game. Good Luck.


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