Drunken Fool & Some Live Play
Lesson #1. Don't play online drunk. I'm pretty sure by the time my liver kicks it I'll figure this one out. Gross. I'm so dissapointed.
Lesson #2. Live NL play. It's the cure for what ails you.
I had a long weekends worth of activities all crammed into 2 days. Other than Memorial Day, this was the first time in months I've had sat-sun off. Saturday I had two viewings and two bars to go to. That tied up 1pm to midnight. Long day. I had a buffet breakfast (at the casino) that I didn't want to attend the next morning. I knew that if I went home I'd end up not going. I had to come up with a solution... After about 2 minutes of deep thought I had a brilliant idea. Go right to the casino and play all night. I really do amaze myself sometimes. I couldn't go directly to the casino (30 minutes), I had to drive home first (40 minutes) to change into my casino outfit, wash up, get some tissues & allergy meds as well as some other things I'll leave out. I finally arrived at the casino at approx 1:30am and settled in for a nice game. Breakfast was at 9am.
The NL games spread there are 1/2 with a $100 max buyin and 2/5 with a (I think) $300 max buyin. I'm not a big fan of the small buyin, but it's a really good game. After 45 minutes or so I was into the game for $180. I couldn't make a hand and had a c-bet called and a bluff-raise picked off. I tightened up and built up a nice stack. I was moved at about 2am and our table was short handed. I really love live short handed play. It's a good opportunity to open up a bit and play. The table really doesn't adjust well and remains either loose-passive or predictable and nitty. Fun times.
The other tables broke and we ended up 10-handed for a short while. I was up to about $350 at this point. We were joined by two 2/5 players (one was very good and the other very bad), and the rest were 1/2 players to include two kids that seemed pretty unfamiliar with live play (had a bit of a snafu with a blind chop). I hovered at $350-$450 until we got back to a 5 handed game and was at that point fortunate enough to win a couple against the solid 2/5 player and stack the kids a few times. They kept buying in short. On several occasions I was able to raise them out of pots by betting or raising 1x the pot size on the flop. I always had at least a pair (or really solid draw) when I did it. They were quite readable. Fun times.
I was kind of bummed when the game broke up at about 7:30am. We played 4 handed for a while until one of the kids got tired of being felted, and the table broke. I got to take most of the money off of it. The other 2/5 player was really down. In more ways than one. I felt bad for him. He ran a couple of sets into flushes/boats and badly misplayed a flopped set of J's against me. He made a weak flop bet (I raised), bet the turn when I made my straight, then checked and called my river bet when I improved again and made a flush. He made a couple of rude comments during play about me and the things I do at the table, and berated me as the game broke.
WSOP Notes...
I'm having a blast following our +1 members that are out there playing. Congrats to Shawn sprstoner on his 2 cashes so far. He was a great last round pickup in the last round of the fantasy draft! Also GL to the rest of the +1ers playing in series.
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