Saturday, September 30, 2006

October...where have you been all my life?

We had our first frost of the season today. I woke up late (about 8am) and it was 38.2 degrees. Crops are being harvested, furnaces are kicking on, and jackets are coming out of the closet (I suspected that about them anyway). I wish I had my camera on the drive home last night. The clouds were spectacular. Some scattered “lake effect” rain bands. It was absolutely beautiful. I’m really looking forward to winter this year, although I’m sure that will change in 3 months.

What a month. It was by far my worst ever. It’s actually difficult to wrap my mind around the cause. A couple of live cashes (local bar tourneys) have relieved about 10% of the loss, but it’s still pretty devastating. Most of my losses were at mid-stakes 6-max, a game I was under rolled for (based on the swings). There was a lot of unexpected financial pressure this month in other areas, which I think contributed to a change in my play. Last night I played my first ring game in 2 weeks. I had a good idea of the table fairly quickly, but it didn’t matter. I played very few hands. My biggest A had an off-suit 9 with it, and my highest pair was 99. I dropped almost an entire buyin. As I stated, I played very few hands, but the ones I did play, I had trouble letting go of. Shit, I sound like one of the people I laugh at. Nice. I’m actually not feeling poorly about my game in general, just my selection of games really. I’ve spent about 40 hours the last 2 weeks reviewing. Lots of fun! I’m the worst loser ever. Really, I am. I think that is having the largest impact on me. Why can’t our minds be like that children’s toy you shake and everything disappears? Damn my obsessive tendencies.

On the plus side, I got into a new forum this month. They seem like a nice bunch. I’m a bit of a troll right now and I’m not contributing much of substance, but hopefully that will right itself as I get back to normal. I’ve been doing a ton of reading, and there is some great stuff. Thanks guys.

I cashed in the first week of the CP forum tourney. I think I could have gone deeper if I hadn’t been drunk. Mental note: don’t call (or push, I don’t remember) in a hand w/ a strong player w/ 22. Based on stack sizes I think I should have finished 3rd, but a cash is a cash. Hopefully I’ll have another next week. There is a live tourney the same night at the same time, and it’s a much better EV proposition. I think when we get into the mixed games I’ll play give it a shot. I suck at mixed games.

Here’s to October being better than September. I do enjoy fall…

Good Luck. Funny, in light of recent developements, that takes on a whole new meaning. Good Luck to all of us...


At 11 October, 2006 07:12 , Blogger ramzdawg said...

glad to see you're still grinding away pba. just wanted to let you know that i'm still a fan and i'm pulling for you. i haven't played a hand in over a month due to travel and general disinterest... here's hoping for your fortunes on the felt to change and i hope you've given sushi a shot at least once by now... =P


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