Thursday, September 07, 2006

I can't believe I'm doing this...

In life, there are bad ideas, and then there are BAD IDEAS. Now I'm from the school of thought that if you're going to do something, do it well. So, I've decided to come up with the worst idea possible (obviously not in my eyes), and run with it.

I've been playing cards for longer than I'd like to admit, and poker was the first game I learned. Hold-em was introduced to me in my home game a few years ago and I hated it. I wasn't a big fan of no-limit betting games. I've always preferred the simpler games where I could exploit an edge. I started playing online, not because of the game itself, but the general softness of it. It's been over two years now, and it's a nice supplement to my income. It's enabled me to get some nice stuff that I normally would be too cheap to buy.

For the better part of two weeks, I seriously debated not blogging any more and cutting back on my posts, but I'm a glutton for punishment so here goes...

I'm a very private person. People that know me would say that's an understatement. I keep my personal information to myself, whether it's family, friends, or web-related people. Me posting this here goes against my prevailing personality trait. Geez, get to the point already... I lead a rather boring life and have a very boring job. In fact, work kind of makes me miserable, so I've decided not to do it any more. I'm going to call this a "poker vacation". I'm going to give up working full time and play poker. This is an experiment, and may only last 60 days. Who knows. When it comes to work, I'm a sponge. I like to try new things, but when I rise to the top, or lose the opportunity to learn new things. I get bored and leave. The last 10+ years of my professional career have been 3 to 5 years doing something followed by 6 months to 2 years off. Lather, rinse, repeat. Well, I've done my time, and now it's time for me to take some time off. I was ready to retire anyway. If I break even, great. I've got money saved. If I make money, even better. It prolongs the experiment. I've done the math over and over again. I have a small cost of living and I'm a good poker player. Here goes nothing...

This month I'm trying to adopt the mindset I'll need in the coming months. October will be my first month where I'll impose the financial end to my play, although I'll probably be working at least part of the month.

The stress level will be higher, but it will be self-imposed. Easier to deal with than the outside BS associated with work. Wish me luck.

On a separate note, I didn't get something I wanted. I feel like the fat kid in gym class. I don't know why I set my sights on things. On the plus side, things like this tend to help me focus on goals and proving people wrong. I guess it's not all bad.

Man I really don't want to hit that publish button right now...


At 08 September, 2006 10:45 , Blogger RandomFlask said...

Ramzdawg told me about your blog; I hope you still have time to occasionally post about your progress, but best of luck to you either way. (And yes, we're all jealous.)


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