Friday, May 30, 2008

I suck at blogging, Part II

Since I don't have this linked in any of my sigs, I'm pretty sure nobody reads this. That's ok. I'll hammer out a post as I was challenged to do so by our fearless e-leader.

Here's an update:


I guess I might get engaged this year. Either that or I'll be alone soon. I'm still torn. Pretty scary shit. It's not the being married part I've got an issue with, it's the wedding. I don't want to have a wedding. I'm more afraid of that than I am of needles, and I'm pretty damn afraid of needles.


It's pretty great. Really busy, but I'm going to double this businesses #'s from '07, and likely increase by 50% in '09. Not bad considering I live in a depressed city and the economy is pretty fucking lousy.


Seriously, $4/gallon? Damn it all to hell. I paid over $4 for the first time last night, and it's really bothering me. Damn it.


I really don't play much online these days. The games I enjoyed are hard now, and I can't get behind NL online. I fart around with HORSE and some PLO. It's pretty pathetic. My live game is doing well. I'm on pace to make more than I did in '06. I'm pretty excited. I'm also at a bit of a crossroads. I play 1/2 $200 max which is the larger of the two 1/2 games spread locally. I think I'm really close to maxing out what I can make in my average session. I really want to take a shot at 2/5, but I'm totally intimidated by it.

Forum Life

I've been neglecting my posting duties to work. I feel really poorly about this. In other news I should be green. I'm focusing my anger about this on lucko. He's a popular target for hate so I'll hop on that bandwagon.

That's all.

Oh, and I suck at diets. Fucking fritz.